“A very few considerations would make it apparent to all that a certain power emanating from the eternal ethereal substance is dispersed through and permeates the whole region about the earth, which throughout is subject to change, since, of the primary sublunar elements, fire and air are encompassed and changed by the motions in the ether, and in turn encompass and change all else, earth and water and the plants and animals therein.”
Ptolemy Tetrabiblos - Book 1
The world of astrology is rich and diverse in wisdom and technique which I believe when applied correctly, is fundamentally purposed to aid us in leading a better life.
The principles of astrology run through every moment, every thing and every one. Whatever you’re experiencing, whatever is happening at any given time is reflected in the stars. In other words “As above, so below.” Studying and practising astrology has taught me to appreciate the passage of time, that there is a certain moment for everything to pass. You can’t rush life.
Do the planets really effect us?
It is not straightforward to determine if the planets have an effect on life on earth, as there is no way that we can modify their movements to study the variable of results! What is clear to see through empirical evidence and personal experience is that there is a correlation between planetary movements and life on earth. For Hindu astrologers, the planets are conscious manifestations of Vishnu (God). Each person is born into this world to heal past karma, to liberate the soul to become one with Vishnu. No matter your point of view, if we feel the adversity related to a certain planet, we can choose to act according to the teachings of astrology to ease the undesirable experiences. Likewise, we can learn how to harness beneficial energies for desired results.
Astrology is a vast subject, with several branches, various traditions and numerous techniques. It is widely concurred, although often contested, that the earliest account of the zodiac is from Babylonia in ancient Mesopotamia. Recent studies published by Rumen Kolev confirm that Babylonians were using star reference points that match the sky of 6,000 BCE.
The Horoscope
At the centre of astrological technique is the study of a horoscope. The etymology comes from the Greek: hōra which means “time” and skopos which means “observer”. A horoscope is essentially the recorded positions of the planets as seen from Earth at a certain time and place. This data can then be plotted into an astrological chart and analysed for a variety of purposes.
Astrological branches
There are 4 main branches of astrology. One of them is known as mundane astrology which determines local and global matters of cities and countries that effect the populace at large. Then there is election astrology for choosing the most auspicious time for the commencement of an event, such as a wedding, the founding of a city, a hair cut or planting seeds.
Natal Astrology
The most well known branch is natal astrology which applies to the life of an individual. The horoscope, or astrological chart, calculated for the precise time and location of your birth is known as your birth chart (or natal chart). It can be analysed with a multitude of techniques to determine the potentials in all areas of your life. It can help you understand your strengths so you may utilise them to your advantage, and recognise your weaknesses so you may improve upon them. The birth chart also holds the key to understanding your past life karma, so that you may work towards healing it. According to the astrologer Visti Larsen, it can also be seen from the birth chart if you perceive and experience your life differently from its true reality.
Most people are aware of their Sun sign, which is what is commonly known as one’s “star sign”. So this is the position of the Sun in the zodiac at the time of year you were born. However as I have just explained, you actually have a whole chart of astrological data which can be drawn from your birth time and location. Arguably an equally important factor is your ascendant or rising sign, which is the zodiac sign rising on the Eastern horizon at the specific moment of your birth. The Moon’s placement in your birth chart is also just as important to consider, as well as all of the planets in the solar system, the lunar nodes, the lunar mansions and even some particular stars.
Horary Astrology
But probably the most fascinating branch of all is horary astrology, which is the technique of analysing the horoscope of the moment to answer pressing questions. For example, you may wish to know where is your passport, when your house will sell, or the future of a relationship. These are just a few examples, anyone can enquire about anything at any time, within moral reason. The astrologer then casts an astrological chart for the time and place they accept the question, and reads it to determine the answer. Horary astrology never ceases to amaze me with its accuracy. Even if you may not be a person who is particularly interested in understanding your birth chart, horary astrology can be so incredibly useful in times of confusion and urgency.
Astrologers may also cast a chart of the moment at the beginning of a natal consultation to better understand the issues that are currently pertinent in the life of the client.
Determinism vs indeterminism
The nature of astrology is both deterministic and indeterministic. We are able to track the past, present and future positions of the planets. The interpretation of these movements has been handed down to us through millennia. If we so choose, we may know what is to come by reading the planets’ future positions, yet influence what is to come by choosing to act at a particular moment in time when the planets are in favour of our desired outcome. Or we could choose to do simply nothing. Just as our lungs breath automatically or we may control our breath at any time, our future unfolds naturally or it is directed by our own efforts.
It is also possible that our sense of influence over our lives is just an illusion. It could be foreseen in the stars that you will consult an astrologer and from that consultation you will direct your life in such a way that was already predestined whilst you maintain the perception of free will. In Hindu philosophy, the world is maya which is Sanskrit for “magic” or “illusion”.
However, the laws of karma state that every action good or bad has a consequence, and we are free to make choices to liberate ourselves from suffering in this life and the next. We should also not be attached to the outcome of our actions.
Your work is your responsibility, but not its fruits.
Never let the results of your actions be your cause.
Do not give in to inaction.
Establish yourself in Yoga, undertake your duties having abandoned attachment.
Remain equipoised in success, and failure.
Evenness of mind is called yoga.
This is a well known quote from the Bhagavad Gita which explains that it’s always important to make an effort, despite what you may think may happen in the future. We should always do what we believe in, and try our best, but without worry of the outcome.
Astrology is a mirror
As an astrologer, I seek to provide peace of mind, clarity and deeper understanding to light the ever winding path of life so that you may choose the direction to go. I would like say that the information that astrology provides can be illuminating and very helpful but also sometimes difficult to hear. Receiving additional insight into your life or any situation places the onus on you to take supreme responsibility for yourself. It expands your knowledge, giving you the freedom to act with better informed reason. To me, astrology is best described as a mirror. When you look into the mirror of astrology, you see a reflection of your life. Your reflection moves with you and you move with it.